EL News

The Eloquent, your number one source for all things Social Blog, news, entertainment and useful content.

Welcome to Elnews,

The Eloquent, your number one source for all things Socail Blog, news, entertainment and useful content.

We are fastest growing Media House of Gujarat. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best of Content in Gujarati, English and Hindi with a focus on real content.

Founded in 2020 by Mr. Shivam Vipul Purohit(Insta I’d @shivam_vipul_purohit), Elnews has come a long way from its beginnings in India. When elnews first started out, his passion for “ Development Of Youths in India by Vision and Awaking about real cultural aspects ” drove them to quit day job, do tons of research, etc. so that elnews can offer you “The world’s most advanced Real Content in Gujarati, Hindi & English”.

We now serve audiance all over the place – town, State, country, the world, and are thrilled that we’re able to turn our passion into our own Dynamic physical magazine & website.

Currently, this is the only media house in central Gujarat which covers electronic, print and digital media. Also, in a very short period of time, it has become a trusted platform for more than 1 lakh 70 thousand users. However, if print, digital and electronic media are covered, the audience figure is more than 5 million which is one of the biggest achievements. Central Gujarat’s fastest growing media house operating from Panchmahal district who have more than 200+ satisfied customers of branding, advertising, endorsement and PR.

We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


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